How to Repair Split Wood Table Top, Furniture & Wood Bed Frame
Having split cracks on your firm, graceful table top might look irreparable as it might not look as beautiful as when you got it, and you might have resolved that you might not be able to find a solution to it.
The good news is that you can still repair it with essential household tools for splits in wooden table tops. So if you’ve been wondering how to repair split wood table top, then this is the right stop! You can get your table looking good as new with the various methods and basic steps outlined in this article.
This article contains basic, efficient methods for repairing split wood furniture,table-top, and bed frame. This means perhaps you have issues with your bedpost or wood furniture having splits and cracks, simply following these outlined guidelines will help you fix your furniture without stress or having to call professionals.
There are various methods you can adopt. You can make use of epoxy fillers, sawdust, and wood glue, to mention a few. One important thing is that when it comes to applying mineral spirits, make sure you get high-quality products. This will help to give you good results.
All at a Glance
How to Repair Split Wood Table Top

Seeing splits on your table might not be attractive enough. The following will guide you on how to repair your table-top and have it good as new.
Step one: check the extent of the damage.
First off, before doing anything, you have to check and examine the extent of the damage caused by the split. That will help you know the exact method to apply when coming to the error in your table-top. You need to take note of the depth and location of the clefts as well as the cracks. If you notice the split results from the slight movement of the wood, you can quickly correct this by using a patch.
Then for something more serious like a tear, these following steps will guide you on fixing the damage. For cases where the split is way too large to handle, you might have to cut the table down and transform it into something different.
Step two: make use of shims for small cracks.
For wood splits caused by the slight movement of the wood, you’ll need shims. First, smooth the sides of the cracks down with sandpaper. After the surface is smooth, get the bevel shims and cut them to the exact size to fit into the split spaces.
Once they’re cut into the appropriate sizes, fit and glue them into the cracks. Then cover the remaining part of the table with masking tape before spraying a considerable amount of dark lacquer or epoxy paint on the wood and allowing it to dry.
Step three: Fit in plywood into more significant splits.
If the split is more prominent than what shims can fix, then you’ll be needing plywood or any piece of wood. Simply slide the piece of wood into the sanded area of the split and apply a resin or dark lacquer layer and allow it to dry.
Step four: improvise
If the split is much and beyond repair, such that the split extends throughout the wood, it is advisable to cut it over and improvise it for something else. After cutting, you can sand and recreate another smaller table.
Read Also: How to Stop a Crack in Wood from Spreading
How to Fix Split Wood Bed Frame

having a split in your wooden bed frame is inevitable, which might result from the bed frame not having enough support. This can be easily corrected using clamps and glue.
Step one: strip off the bed
The first step is to strip off the bed by removing the mattress and the box springs but ensuring you leave the slats in place. This will make your work easier.
Step two: pull the split open
Use a screwdriver to inspect the crack, insert it into the split and then pull it open a bit. Then use a utility knife to clean out pieces and fragments of the wood.
Step three: Apply glue
get a glue bottle and then use the tip to insert glue down the length of the split. Smear the glue using the thin blade of a putty knife. This will help saturate the inside of the split.
Step four: add clamps
After adding glue, put bar clamps across the bed frame and tighten till glue gushes out of the entire length of the crack. Leave the clamps on the bed frame overnight. You can make use of C-clamps, but it is more advisable you use bar clamps as they’re stronger.
Step five: support the joint
For this step, you have to measure the whole length of the split from the inside and add six inches to the measured value. Also, measure the width of the frame and then use a table saw to cut a half-inch plywood.
Step six: drill holes
Drill the scrap plywood with a quarter-inch bit and drill, then randomly place the holes two inches apart. Lurch the screw holes to avoid them lining after each other.
Step seven: Glue and screw the plywood
Apply a uniform layer of glue on a particular side of the plywood and then place it over the split on the inside, then drive a one-inch screw through the plywood making use of pilot holes, then leave the bed frame to dry overnight before putting it back to use.
How to Repair Split Wood Furniture

having a split or crack in your furniture doesn’t necessarily mean you have to discard your wood, or you have to be a professional before you can fix it. Splits can be a result of flexible glue joints. There are various methods of repairing splits and cracks in wood, some of which are wood fillers, wood dust, and glue, to mention a few. You can either use wood filler or sawdust, depending on the extent of the split in the wood.
1. Use of epoxy filler
The liquid epoxy fillers are suitable for wood with cracks with depth because the liquid has a form of litheness with it that makes it move quickly, seeping into the wood. Wood fillers are easy to use, and the following steps below will guide you on how to apply wood fillers to repair splits in your wooden furniture.
Step one: Get your epoxy filler.
First off, you need to know how the wood filler functions and what it works for precisely before you move on to apply. Wood fillers are the best suitable for surfaces with broad slits or missing short pieces of wood. One fantastic thing about wood fillers is that they’re affordable, and once they’re fixed and dried, you can sand and paint. It is necessary you sand and paints the wood so that it won’t look odd from the rest of the wood.
Step two: Clean and prepare the wood
Before you decide to apply the wood filler, you’ll have to prepare your wood by cleaning it. I’m sure you’re wondering if that is necessary. It is essential you clean your wood by washing it off with water and a bit of mild detergent, scrub it down, wash through with water and finally allow it to dry totally.
After ensuring the wood is dry, the next thing is to eliminate any form of trash. It is necessary to remove any form of trash because it will get in the way of the cracks that need to be filled, and wood filler will find it hard to bond to the wood.
Clean the debris no matter how small it might be. That will help you to know the extent of the crack. If you notice the crack extends to the other side, you might have to cover the wood with masking tape to cover the wood underneath to prevent the wood filler from leaking out from underneath.
Step three: Apply
You don’t necessarily have to mix your wood filler, all you have to do is stir, and you’re good to go. Apply and fill up the crack.
Step five: Allow drying
After applying the wood filler, leave it to dry for at least a day. After drying, you can use a permanent marker to add color to the wood and sand and paint the wood.
2. Use of sawdust and glue
The use of sawdust and glue is the most suitable and affordable method of preventing broad and not too deep splits. The following outlined steps will guide you on how to apply this method.
Steps on how to apply sawdust and wood glue in wood cracks.
Step one: Get your sawdust and wood glue ready.
First off, get your sawdust. You can get a bag or make your sawdust out of scrap wood or brand-new wood to match the color of the wood. To get a standard wood glue as much as possible.
Step two: Apply
There are two ways in which you can apply the sawdust alongside the wood glue. You can choose to fill up the crack halfway with glue, then cover the remaining part with sawdust, add glue and cover up with sawdust. You can also fill the wood crack with glue and afterward cover it up with sawdust. Make sure you exert slight pressure on the sawdust to enable it to bond with the glue.
Step three: Allow it to dry
After applying sawdust and wood glue, give it ample time to dry for at least a day. Once you realize it is scorched, sand the wood a little to smoothen it out, and then you can go on to stain it.
1. When using both wood filler and sawdust, build a base of shavings
When a wood filler is applied too heavily, it can cause the wood to split, so it is better to apply in light layers.
To reduce the amount of filler in the split area, you can attach some wood inside the split. Then you can smoothen a thin coat of filler over the surface. The wood shavings in the split will help create a base for the filler. After leaving, it to dry, you can then use sandpaper to smoothen it out.
- Whether you want to repair table-top, bed frame, or wood furniture, it’s necessary you check the splits and know the extent of the damage.
- Always ensure the surface of the wood is clean before working on it.
- After applying any of the methods above, make sure you give the wood enough time to dry.
Materials and tools needed to repair splits in the wood
- Wood glue
- Clamps
- Sandpaper
- Paint or stain
- Mild detergent
- Sawdust
- Permanent marker
- Drill
- Bevel shims
- Epoxy filler
- Masking tape
- Dark lacquer
- Epoxy paint or resin
- Plywood
- Screwdriver
- Utility or putty knife.
Conclusion – How to Repair Split Wood Table Top
Wood furniture getting cracks or splits is inevitable, and the fact that your wood has doesn’t mean you have to discard your wood, or you need to look for a professional to fix it. So far, different methods have been outlined that glaringly show that you don’t have to be a professional before you can repair splits in your furniture, making use of simple household tools, following the outlined steps.
You have your furniture suitable as new looking better. Before using any method of application, you must clean your wood. This will help you get rid of any form of debris. When using glue, ensure you give the wood ample time to dry most suitable you leave it overnight. After you’re sure it’s scorched, you can lightly sand it to make it even with the wood. You can choose to also repaint the wood, although repainting is optional.
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