How To Remove Scuff Marks From Polyurethane Hardwood Floors
Polyurethane hardwood floors are one of the most popular flooring options because they are durable and easy to clean. However, if they are not regularly waxed or polished, they can become scratched and scuffed.
These marks can detract from the appearance of your floor, but happily, there are methods on how to remove scuff marks from polyurethane hardwood floors, one of which is the use of baking soda; another uncommon approach is the use of a tennis ball.
In other words, polyurethane’s great durability protects your hardwood floor when you’re trying to remove scuff marks, especially since most procedures don’t call for abrasive scrubbers or heavy-duty solvents.
In this article, we’ve compiled the best ways on how to remove scuff marks from polyurethane hardwood floors. Let’s go!

All at a Glance
How to remove scuff marks from polyurethane hardwood floors
You can simply erase scuff marks from their polyurethane hardwood floors by following the steps and methods below:
Step 1: Clean the Surface of Debris
The first step is to vacuum your floor to remove any dust and debris. An electrostatic broom, which is essentially a dust magnet, is one of the most effective tools for this. It effectively collects dirt and debris without requiring several passes over the same area.
Alternatively, dust can be removed with a vacuum cleaner; just make sure the brush attachment has long enough bristles to prevent the metal from coming into touch with the floor.
If you still have dust on the surface after using either of the above cleaning equipment, try wiping it away using an electrostatic dust cloth (available at supermarkets).
Step 2: Remove the Stains
You can use either a specifically manufactured hardwood floor cleaner or a pH-neutral, water-based cleaner with an ordinary nylon mop.
Experts recommend using an alkaline water-based cleaner on heavily filthy floors, but a mix of baking soda and water will help loosen and remove grease and debris.
Whatever cleaning solution you use, make sure to dilute the product with adequate water, as polyurethane finishes demand mild cleaning agents. Before beginning the cleaning process, soak the mop in the solution and wring it out thoroughly.
Walking on the floor until it is totally dry may cause any footprints to dry up and leave an unsightly imprint.
Dip a non-abrasive cloth in a mild mix of water and floor cleanser (designed for hardwood) and scrub the floor clean with a small amount of pressure if there are stubborn stains or blemishes that have had plenty of time to set.
Step 3: Buff it for a Gleaming Finish!
While buffing isn’t required, it’s tempting to get the most out of your hardwood floors once they’ve been cleaned. It’s also super simple! Buff your hardwood floor with one of the following cleaning solutions using the softest and most absorbent towel you can locate (baby cloth diapers are highly recommended):
- Using a microfiber towel dampened with lemon juice and water, buff the floor.
- Two tea bags’ worth of water immersed in water and boiled – Dip a clean microfiber cloth in lukewarm water, squeeze away excess water, and begin polishing your hardwood floor.
Methods include:
- Using Baking soda
Baking Soda is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of ways. It is a multipurpose cleaning product that can remove scuff marks from any type of floor, not just hardwood.
Simply combine two tablespoons of baking soda with one cup of warm water to get a baking soda mixture. Mix the two components together until you get a mixture that you may cleanse the afflicted region with.
This is an excellent approach for removing significant scuff marks from polyurethane. You may also use baking soda to remove scuff marks by dropping a tiny amount on the scuff marks and buffing the affected area with a soft, damp cloth until the scuff is no longer visible.
After the marks have been removed, wipe the area with a damp towel to remove the baking soda residue and dry with a clean cloth.
- Using a Tennis ball
If you have stubborn scuff marks or damage that covers a significant section of the floor, a tennis ball can help.
Begin by dampening the affected area and wiping it clean with a dry cloth; once the floor is clear, rub the affected areas firmly with a tennis ball.
You may carve an “x” into the tennis ball and attach it to the end of a broom handle, allowing you to hold the broom instead of the tennis ball. Scuff marks should be rubbed hard until they are removed.
- Making Use of a Tennis Shoe
Even though it may not appear so, this is an efficient scuff removal approach. You’ll need a clean, light-soled tennis shoe for this, and you’ll need to place your hand on the heel of the shoe, and then place the shoe sole over the scuff mark.
Twist the shoe a few times while putting light pressure to the heel, and the scuff mark should lift up. Although this is a good way to get rid of scuff marks, it requires a lot of time and effort.
- Make use of an eraser.
Scuff marks on hardwood floors can be removed with an eraser; you’ll need a large light-colored pencil eraser that’s clear of residue or grime; better yet, a new eraser.
This procedure is great for removing scuffs off lighter-colored flooring, and you must use the correct pressure when scrubbing to minimize further damage to your floor.
Only utilize this procedure as a last resort. This procedure will require a pencil eraser, which should be rubbed hard on the scuff mark until it is lifted. Then wash the area dry with a clean cloth to eliminate the eraser residue.
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Cleaning and Maintaining Hardwood Flooring: Do’s and Don’ts
While the cleaning procedure outlined above is as clear and succinct as possible, it’s all too easy to stray from a cleaning approach when you’re in a rush or don’t have the appropriate cleaning tools and/or materials on hand.
Maintaining the condition and beauty of the flooring, on the other hand, takes some more attention! For these reasons, having a checklist of what to do and what not to do when cleaning and preserving your hardwood floors is essential.
The Must-Dos
- Examine the coating for any scratches or flaws. Refinish the flooring if necessary.
- To avoid leaving lasting markings on the floor, use rubber leg guards on furniture legs.
- Sweep up as much debris as possible. If dragged around while walking, abrasive soil can create scratches.
- Use doormats at all of your home’s entrances to keep dirt off your floors.
- To avoid extended dampness on the surface, wipe up liquid spills as soon as possible with soft paper towels.
- Using a warm, wet towel, wipe away stains.
- Before walking on hardwood flooring, make sure your bathroom slippers are completely dry.
- If you don’t want to manufacture DIY remedies like the ones in this article, use professionally prepared products for cleaning finished hardwood flooring.
- Maintain a consistent temperature throughout your home as unexpected temperature changes will cause the wood to expand or contract. The hardwood can also become twisted in extreme conditions.
- Protect your hardwood floors from direct or intense sunlight, which can bleach it slightly.
- Wear stiletto heels or spiked shoes on the floor only if you have carpeting to preserve your flooring.
- Cleaning hardwood with hot or cold water can deform the wood, and hot water will dull the gloss.
- When wiping your hardwood floors, never use a damp mop or towel. Moisture in excess can damage the finish and, as a result, the wood.
- Towels, shoes, mats, rugs, and other wet or damp things should not be left on the floor.
- Use abrasive instruments and harsh cleaners sparingly on your hardwood floors.
- Citrus, wax, and oil-based cleansers should be avoided.
- Ammonia and/or vinegar, as much as they are recommended for household cleaning, should not be used to clean hardwood. Polyurethane finishes have been reported to be damaged by these components.
- Cleaning your hardwood floors on a regular basis is essential. Wooden flooring might look worn or old before their time if they aren’t cleaned properly.
Conclusion: How To Remove Scuff Marks From Polyurethane Hardwood Floors
Scuff marks are simple to erase, but if done incorrectly, they can take the sheen from the floor or harm it by removing layers of finish.
Cleaning personnel frequently attempt to remove scuff marks using chemicals or ineffective equipment.
Using cleaning chemicals such as neutral floor cleaner or stripper to erase scuff marks will almost certainly result in extra effort. The neutral floor cleaner is designed to release organic stains but has little to no effect on rubber, the most common cause of scuff marks.
Scuff marks on polyurethane hardwood floors can be removed with unusual materials such as a tennis ball, tennis shoes, or an eraser. Each of the above removal methods makes use of simple instruments that are easy to come by, ensuring that your floor is returned to its previous state with no effort.
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