How to Fill Cracks in Wood with Epoxy
Having cracks in wood is not a new thing, although no one wants cracks in their wood because it spoils the appearance of the wood, and if not repaired fast, the crack will spread throughout the wood.
This article contains everything you need to know about how to fill cracks in wood with epoxy. Epoxy is effective when repairing wood cracks as it bonds to the wood strongly and fills up the spaces. Irrespective of the method you want to apply, it is essential to check the type of crack and the extent of the damage. When working with epoxy, make sure you protect yourself, especially if you’re easily prone to allergies.
All at a Glance
Filling Cracks in Wood with Epoxy
Wood epoxy is effective for wood cracks with widened cracks because the liquid moves quickly into the wood to bind to the wood.
Wood epoxy is easy to use, and the following steps below will guide you on applying wood epoxy.
Steps on How to Apply Wood Epoxy in Cracks

Step one: prep the wood
Before you decide to apply your epoxy, you’ll have to prepare your wood by cleaning it. I’m sure you’re wondering if that is necessary. It is essential you clean your wood by washing it off with water and a bit of mild detergent, scrub it down, wash through with water and finally allow it to dry totally.
After ensuring the wood is dry, the next thing is to eliminate any form of trash. It is necessary to remove any form of trash, including dust because it will get in the way of the cracks that need to be filled, which will make it hard for the epoxy to bond to the bond.
Clean the debris no matter how small it might be. That will help you to know the extent of the crack. If you notice the crack extends to the other side, you might have to cover the wood with masking tape to cover the wood underneath to prevent the epoxy from leaking out from underneath.
Step two: Protect yourself
Working with these chemicals might be hazardous if you don’t protect yourself, which is why you must protect yourself while working with these chemicals as they’re composed of chemicals. You must get yourself a standard respirator to guard your lungs against the fumes because wood epoxies are poisonous and pungent, most especially if you’re going to be working indoors.
More so, it would help if you got safety goggles as they’ll protect your eyes from chemicals spilling into your eyes that might damage your lens. To prevent getting your fingers or body sticky all over, you can wear long-sleeved clothes as well as gloves.
Step three: Apply
Wood epoxy works best with impenetrable areas compared to wood fillers because they’re very light and thin and can penetrate the impervious areas and thin cracks. In the case of extended cracks, epoxy is the most suitable as it forms a strong bond with the wood and fills the crack.
When using epoxy, you’ll need to mix it in two forms, resin and hardener. You can add a bit of color so that the epoxy will match that of the wood. To activate your epoxy, you’ll have to mix them as directed by the manufacturer and ensure you mix them efficiently to fill the whole crack. All you have to do is stir, and you’re good to go. Apply and fill up the crack.
Step four: Allow drying
After applying epoxy, allow it to dry for at least a day, although epoxy dries very fast. After drying, you can use a permanent marker to add color to the wood then you can decide to sand and paint the wood.
Filling Cracks in Wood Table Top
Seeing splits on your table might not be attractive enough. No one wants their precious table to go wrong. Not to worry, these following steps will guide you on how to repair your table-top and have it good as new.
Step one: check the extent of the damage
First off, before doing anything, you have to check and examine the extent of the damage caused by the split, which will help you know the exact method to apply when coming to the error in your table-top. You need to take note of the depth and location of the clefts as well as the cracks.
If you notice the split is a result of the slight movement of the wood, you can quickly correct this by using a patch. Then for something more serious like a tear, these following steps will guide you on fixing the damage. For cases where the split is way too large to handle, you might have to cut the table down and transform it into something different.
Step two: make use of shims for small cracks
For wood splits caused by the slight movement of the wood, you’ll need shims. First, smooth the sides of the cracks down with sandpaper. After the surface is smooth, get the bevel shims and cut them to the exact size that will fit into the split spaces.
Once they’re cut into the appropriate measures, do and glue them into the cracks. Then, cover the remaining part of the table with masking tape before spraying a considerable amount of dark lacquer or epoxy paint on the wood and allowing it to dry.
Step three: Fit in plywood into more significant splits
If the split is more critical than what shims can fix, then you’ll be needing plywood or any piece of wood. Slide the piece of wood into the sanded area of the split and apply a resin or dark lacquer layer and allow it to dry.
Step four: improvise
If the split is much and beyond repair such that the split extends throughout the wood, it is advisable to cut it over and improvise it for something else. After cutting, you can sand and recreate another smaller table.
To fill cracks with polyurethane, fill up cracks in wood by just adding few drops into the cracks, which will harden into a resin after it cures. Still, it might not be effective as it should be because the hardened resin will have a different coloration from that of the wood, which is why we use it to make an improvised wood filler instead.
You can get wood dust from the pieces of the wood with cracks and then add polyurethane, mix, and it’s ready to be applied. Follow the following guidelines.
Step one: Prep the wood
It is necessary to prepare the wood hu clearing all forms of dirt and grime from the wood. You can wash it down with mild detergent and clean water and then wipe it off with a clean cloth. Then you can wipe it down with a cloth dampened with mineral spirits. Then leave it to dry for a few minutes.
Step two: prepare your wood dust and polyurethane
It is more advisable to use wood dust that matches the color of the wood you’re using, then mix the polyurethane and wood dust.
Step three: Apply
Apply the polyurethane and wood dust into the cracks and crevices and ensure it fills the split spaces and leaves them to dry.
Step four: Sand
After the filled cracks are dry, use fine-grit sandpaper to sand the surface of the wood to get rid of any rough extension and make the surface smooth.
When working with wood cracks or wood in general, there are basic things you need to take note of;
- Always ensure the surface of the wood is clean before working on it.
- After cleaning, give the wood ample time to dry
- When dealing with wood cracks, make sure you remove all form of trash
- Always ensure you work in a well-ventilated area, and if you choose to work indoors, make sure you protect yourself with a respirator, safety goggles, gloves, and long-sleeved clothing. These will protect you from choking or spilling hazards.
- Before using your epoxy, ensure both resin and hardener are thoroughly mixed together.
- After applying any of the methods above, make sure you give the wood enough time to dry.
Materials and equipment needed
- Wood epoxy
- Detergent
- Masking tape
- Standard respirator
- Safety goggles
- Gloves
- Bevel shims
- Permanent marker
- Plywood
- Dark lacquer/ epoxy paint
- Wood dust
- Mineral spirits.
Conclusion – How to Fill Cracks in Wood with Epoxy
Basically, having one or two cracks in your wood is inevitable, especially when the wood is drying out. Once the crack is noticed, it is necessary to spring into action because if left unattended, the crack will keep expanding, which might eventually damage the wood.
So far, the steps on how to repair cracks in wood have been outlined, and the good news is that regardless of the number of cracks you’ve got in your wood, with simple household equipment and materials, you can easily have your wood back, just as new.
Epoxy has proven to be an effective method of filling up cracks in wood because it has a lithe characteristic that makes it easy for the epoxy to find its way into the wood, binding and forming a powerful bond.
Regardless of the method you want to adopt, be it using polyurethane or fixing cracks on the wooden tabletop, it is important that you prep the wood before application. This will make your work come out more efficient.
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